Monday, February 25, 2008

a future to decide

Yesterday was the nomination day of the 12th Malaysian General Election. As a person who finds politic is very interesting, it was a quite busy day for me, reading the online papers and wathing news. As usual, the major contest is between the government (BN) and the main opposition (BA).

Well, to me there is nothing much different from the previous election, except this time, there is a plan of 'Negara Kebajikan' in one of the opposition's manifesto which is abosulutely a great idea, mainly for the people, but somehow I find it impossible to make it a reality since we are a developing country, or unless we can sacrifice some of the developments that are already in plan? In overall, I'm still unclear with some of the opposition's plan. Without any unity and one mission's plan from all the oppositions, I don't think they might be close in having the majority with them.

As for the government, they have the advantage on having all the 'biased' support from the main media. Wouldn't it be fair if every candidates have the chance to appear in some of the collumn in the papers to give their thoughts? Sometimes it is a bit annoying to listen to all the propaganda for half an hour on daily news about the elections. Don't you think? While some of our 'saudara' was trying hard to survive in Palestine, we are soooo damn busy to show how good our YB is. I also believe that the government needs to allow the freedom is speaking out their mind, not only among the oppositions, but among themselves too. It is healthy, but we have to make sure that we didn't touch any sensitive issues that we have here in Malaysia.

"Jangan mempertikaikan kepimpinan Mr.X" <- It's not proper to me... We need to speak and listen in order to get the best result.

In other point, most [not all] of the candidates of both sides are condemning the other party. Come on, what you need to do is to make us believe what is your capabilities, your missions or aspirations, on what you believe is best for us... and NOT to show us how BAD the other party is.

Anyhow, that is how I think. Not to be on any side or any party, but I feel that we need a fresh and strong with critical thinking mind among the future leaders, in the government as well as the opposition.

So to those of you who have already register, go and do your voting. You don't get to complain if you don't vote. It's your decision, it's ours... [I am voting base on what I think is best for Malaysians' future].


nananane said...

i do personally think that such campaigns adulterate people minds which also means that campaigns make voting value now deviated from what democracy supposed to mean.

doesn't democracy means kebebasan untuk memilih?

what i mean is, campaigns like what we have now. memburukkan parti lawan dan menjatuhkan imej individu tertentu menjadikan kualiti sebenar pilihanraya seakan akan tiada nilai.

saya rasa SPR seharusnya me-moderate-kan kempen-kempen yang sedia ada. cukup sekadar manifesto untuk pembaharuan dan pembangunan yg realistik tanpa sebarang gah-gah kosong.

:) selamat mengundi encik jaffrey.

Jaffrey said...

yerp, correct.
maybe sometimes i am influenced with foreign's country election.

yay yay~ jom undi. nak rasa pangkah atas kertas.

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