Monday, May 12, 2008

Yesterday a student, Today an engineer

Now I really feel that life is really exhausting, far from I'd been through during my time in USM. [masih rindu~] I spend more than two hours everyday on the road, and it is only training for this whole month before I enter the manufacturing department in June. So I'm really not there yet as an engineer, will be soon :-) Those senior engineers said that a Process Engineer, the post I will hold later isn't as easy as it seems. Leaving the factory at 8 or 9 at night everyday is common to them, which should be the same for me as well in the future. *sigh* However, it is not the time that I would spend there that matters, but the time I spend on the road, tiring~ It is the sacrifices I had to do, maybe for the next 2 years until my little bro gets to finish his degree. So for now, at least there is someone to watch over him after my sis gets married in August.

Sekarang saya sangatlah menghargai tidur... Rasa macam nak tidur 12 jam sehari macam Nazul buat tiap-tiap hari...

Alhamdulillah, I'm really glad & lucky that I had been given the chance to have Toshiba as my employer. Everything that I go through so far is great, everything is really far better than I expected. It's a Japanese company, and everything has be in order as it is in Japan. It is good chance to learn the good ethique that they have, the discipline so that Malaysians like us will improve and be a more respected nation. :-) Hopefully someday... Now I'm really looking forward for a better tomorrow, and day by day, I see a good future ahead, hoping that I'm going in the right direction~

p.s. Happy Mothers Day to my only queen of my heart, mama, Angelita Bautista Zainol@ Rahayu binti Abdullah~ who is currently in Philippines! I love you~ Same goes to all mothers~!


Emel - LayChuyDing said...

that's you or ur fren?...nice one tho..btw,u play tags? if yes,check out my blog and u're tagged!...see ya!

REEFapfy said...

saye tahu sape tengah tidur.

Anonymous said...

best la nama emak kamu.hehhe~

Jaffrey said...

Lay Chui:
I'll play, wait and get prepared! Hehehe... Later you'll regret for inviting. Haha...

siapakah tidur? anda?

ya kah? namakan laa anak kamu begitu sempena nama mak saya. haha..

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