Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Time Keeper.

Another Mitch Albom's collection on the bench.
Now I'm starting to like his books after One More Day, which is truly awesome.

It's about Dor, the time keeper, Sarah Lemon and Victor Delamonte.
Dor who is someone cursed for being the first man alive to ever measure time, lives for thousands of years somewhere far, before he was sent back to Earth, where he met Sarah and Victor. He was there not to change their fate, in fact, he's there to make them realize for whatever happens, time flows and past, and you only need to live every moments and appreciate every single seconds that you have.

"Man alone measures time.
Man alone chimes the hour.
And because of this, man alone suffers a paralysing fear that no other creatures endure.
A fear of time running out."
-Mitch Albom


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