Doraemon is a manga series created by Fujio F. Fujiko. which later became a TV series by Asian Series. Doraemon is a cat robot which travels back in time to his master's ancestor, to change their destiny. The 1st appearance of the series is back in 1969, with 1,344 original series.
Back in 2002, Doraemon was selected as one of the Asian Heroes, listed by TIME magazine
After all this time, Doraemon is still my all time favourite cartoon series and comics.
Even after 41 years, Doraemon is a phenomenal to many, including myself. A true legend indeed.
p.s. Doraemon doesn't have an ending, but this video of comic page is created by a cartoonist which is the most suitable one for a perfect end.
RM59.7 juta pinjaman PTPTN jadi biasiswa
KUALA LUMPUR: Sejumlah RM59.7 juta pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) ditukarkan kepada biasiswa sebagai pelepasan kepada 2,162 pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dan swasta (IPTS) yang memperoleh ijazah kelas pertama, tahun ini.
Pelaksanaan dasar baru itu selaras pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, dalam pembentangan Bajet 2010 tahun lalu bahawa kerajaan akan menukarkan pinjaman PTPTN kepada biasiswa bagi pelajar yang memperoleh ijazah sarjana muda kelas pertama atau setaraf bermula tahun ini.
I can't tell you how difficult it is to describe how sad I am to be leaving.
When I got here so many years ago, I would never have realised how connected I would be to such a warm community of people. Many times I have been humbled by the kindness of your hearts...
You’ve helped me through some difficult times, and shared the joyous times in yours. Some people judge their lives on what they do, others on who they are. I want my life judged on the friends I keep, and how enriched I am from just knowing you.
To see you here in front of me, the last time all together, is a picture I will treasure for a very long time.
So... until the next time we gather, my very dear friends, farewell for now.
Copyright 2011 deep within..