Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm weird.

Have you watched Toy Story 3? To me, it's one of the best movie so far.
For those who haven't watch, here's a little bit spoiler. Remember the scene when Andy decided to give up Woody? Sedih kan...?
So here's the story, I moved back to Perak at my parents' home last 2 weeks. (For those who didn't know, now I'm working in Ipoh). I have a history of collapsing my wardrobe, so I decided to give up half of my clothes and donate them.

It's not easy to give up the cloth of yours which had been the loyal witness to your teenage life, even some of them were funny looking which I can't imagine myself wearing them.
You see, I like clothes. I like the good feeling of myself, thinking that I was looking OK... ok ok, not OK, but sangat handsome even when I'm not. It's called self-confidence and self-esteem. Haha. I even would have a very hard, bad hair day if I realize soon after that my shirt does not match with my pants.
Oh, I'm weird... ala, who is not?

Sekarang rasa kemas sikit... Saja tunjuk baju, sapa nak bagi hadiah baju boleh la tau saya tak ada warna apa lagi. haha.


REEFapfy said...

warne putih dah ade 6. warne laen sume lebey dari satu. dah cukup untuk pakai sebulan tanpa ada yang sama. hehehe.

anyway. gud luck

Jaffrey said...

belikan aku satu kedai g2000 boleh?

REEFapfy said...

boley. nanti aku belikan. eh bukan, hadiahkan satu kedai.

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