Sunday, December 14, 2008

Meaning of life?

I stopped at pump station last Friday while on my way back to Perak.

While waiting for a full tank, someone on a wheel chair stopped near me. He smiled...

"Muda-muda dah pakai kereta besar"

Well, Gen2 tak ada laa besar kan. But I replied, "Saya tak ada laa muda sangat". I feel ashamed, a bit as I don't need any big effort in owning a car, with the help of my parents of course and knowing that many out there were working their butt off just to get their life going while here I am, 23, and having quite a good and easy life, with the help of my parents again of course. This is what we call Rezeki.

"Nama siapa?" I asked, watching and trying not to show any sympathy. "Amir"... [tibe-tibe teringat kat amir]. I felt very sorry for him, he don't have both legs and left arm. All that he has is his right arm and he's only 21. We got ourselves into a couple minutes of conversation on his plan to continue his study on Tahfiz. He's a nice kid...

It seems like life is unfair. But never forget, Tuhan itu Maha Adil. Having all the wealth and health do not mean that life would be easy. Ujian duniawi itu satu cabaran yang kita sendiri kadang-kadang lupa. Wealth is only something that is lend by God for us to show what is the real meaning of life.

Wish you the very best, Amir.


Anonymous said...

huhu..sdihnya..smoga bliau berbahagia sntiasa..

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