Are you below 40 and does not have a Facebook account?
Ok... now, who do you think you are? Tarzan? I bet even Tarzans these days have accounts on Facebook, ok?
Last week in the news, according to a study, the Malaysians are the most sociable, as they have the most friends in social networking website, like Facebook, in average 233 friends. So, guys, if you have below 233 then you are below average, please work harder. And believe it or not, the Malaysians also spend a whopping 9 hours per week on average on these kind of websites! (As some you may not know, Facebook is the official website for the Malaysians, please take note that).
To me networking is one of the most powerful tool these days, the more you know people, the easier your life would be (with a condition you are not that annoying). With many helps from the new and interesting applications created by Facebook, we are tend to get into it for more entertainment and info. News now spread so fast. Even when 'some' people's little minor issues are told to world through it in seconds.
"sedihnya"... Ok, u put this on your status, now the whole world know you're feeling down. And if you're lucky enough, then people would give some attention and comforting, and if not, you're ignored, which will make you even worse. LoL. Photos of you 'tergedik' sana sini pun ada, and let say 10 years from now, maybe you're a minister, or any other important person, the people will have the chance to see how your private life is or was, is it weird to see your minister's photo yang tergedik sana sini? Then if you're not an attention seeker, please don't do that...
Ok, what's the point is, Facebook could be a really good thing. But even if you're the most sociable country, the productivity and the quality of the service is still the most important ones. What's the point of working 8 hours a day, when half of it you're spending it on Facebook?