I have this policy in life.
Happy 23rd birthday untuk En.Nine yang semakin tua hari ni~! Nine adalah salah seorang pakcik, dan antara yang banyak persamaan dengan saya. Saya rasa la... Banyak bende yang kita sama-sama suka. Haha..
Tak lupa juga happy belated birthday to Cik Rif and Cik Fatin (30 Oct)
Dan super belated birthday to a very old friend of mine, Cik Sarah (21 Oct) Believe it or not, this year means saya dah kawan dengan Sarah 17-18 years.
Tapi... Datuk Shah Rukh Khan...??
Lepas ni saya tak terkejot laa kalau ada Datuk Britney Spears...
Atau mungkin Tan Sri Michael Jacson... wah...
Maybe the government should review on this Datukship matter. Macam kelakar je jadinya... Saya nak jadi Datuk pun dah jadi segan. Haha~
"Lagu ni ingatkan aku kat hang, lagu ni pulak selalu ingatkan aku kat si polan-polan"
See, I have this one box that I kept all my things, maybe semua pun not that valuable, but they remind of the important people and moments. Macam raya or birthday I received since past 8 years, bila baca balik macam seronok balik, that I actually had these friends who actually care to write me a card. Then ada surat-surat cintan, kad-kad top-up untuk mengingatkan saya yang banyak telah dibelanja kepada telefon, slip-slip peperiksaan.
Like my ex-roommate, saya ada jugak lagu-lagu yang mengingatkan saya kepada kawan-kawan saya. Macam lately, lagu Yovie & Nuno, yang Nazul on 24 jam masa hari terakhir kat USM, Mimpi Tak Sudah untuk Nine, lagu-lagu jiwang Sofaz yang Ewan suka, lagu Barney and friends mewakili Reef, Bunga Citra Lestari kat Anis, Peterpan yang Amir suka etc.
Sama jugak dengan hadiah-hadiah yang saya terima jugak, I kept them in the box of precious as well. Takde laa nak dipamerkan dalam almari ke apa-apa, cuma saya tak nak mereka berhabuk, or terletak merata-rata sampai hilang.
Jadi, the main point is that, sometimes kalau kamu terjumpa kotak kismis yang kosong, or tin air yang saya simpan dalam bilik saya, janganlah salah paham dan buang, kerana behind these 'trash' that some of you would say, adalah harta yang ternilai harganya buat saya.
My precious...
Sekarang saya sangatlah menghargai tidur... Rasa macam nak tidur 12 jam sehari macam Nazul buat tiap-tiap hari...
Alhamdulillah, I'm really glad & lucky that I had been given the chance to have Toshiba as my employer. Everything that I go through so far is great, everything is really far better than I expected. It's a Japanese company, and everything has be in order as it is in Japan. It is good chance to learn the good ethique that they have, the discipline so that Malaysians like us will improve and be a more respected nation. :-) Hopefully someday... Now I'm really looking forward for a better tomorrow, and day by day, I see a good future ahead, hoping that I'm going in the right direction~
p.s. Happy Mothers Day to my only queen of my heart, mama, Angelita Bautista Zainol@ Rahayu binti Abdullah~ who is currently in Philippines! I love you~ Same goes to all mothers~!
Highway skrang dah ada 3 lane, best...
It's been years the Butterworth Bus Station is located under a fly over, it's ashame to be one of the popular stop for foreign tourist...
Total hours spent on the road: 5 hours
DAY 5: After having all my reports done and approved, I headed to Ipoh with Nazul. [Kami, pakciks sempat mengadakan farewell terakhir kami sebelum tu, perfect goodbye... :'( ] Nazul dropped me at Ipoh's bus station and took a bus straight to KL. And after 10 minutes on the bus, I realized...
"Alamak... terlupa ambil medical check up dalam kereta nazul... damn..."
Total hours spent on the road: 5 hours
DAY 6: Terpaksalah ke rumah Nazul mengambil medical report yang tertinggal. It seems that Nazul just couldn't let me go, saja buat saya terlupa medical check up nye report. Haha...
Total hours spent on the road: 4 hours
It was a very very very exhausting week, and esoknya terus demam on my first day at work. Dan yang menariknya, I have to drive 2 hours every day to go to work. Nampaknya hidup akan terus berada di atas jalan raya...
Sayang jalan raya... (^^,)v
p.s. Rindu mereka...
Copyright 2011 deep within..