I am a big fan of survivor.
However, when the Malaysian TV stop airing the show, I was somehow lost and depend on Youtube to watch it.
Survivor is a sosial adventurous game where alliances and trust matter. Backstabbing, lying is the major part of the game, and to be blindsided by your own alliances is not a rare thing.
So I was watching season 18 survivor in Tocantins, which actually aired last year. The winner was this guy, James Thomas, a farmer of my age, from country. What is so interesting about this season actually... the good guy wins! Not only he wins the title of soul survivor, he wins the favourite survivor as well voted by the audience, plus he gets all the votes from the jury, and throughout the whole episodes, he never got any single vote from the others. Cool eh?
So now, I do believe that good guys still can live and survive in this world, and you don't need to do any harsh or bad things to get your goals. He's definitely my fovourite survivor, along with Parvatti (Fans vs Favourite winner) and Boston Rob (All Stars runner up)... -> the bad ones ;-)