Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Movies Review. Part 2.

Fuh, banyak pulak movie yang ditonton lately.
Er, jangan marah kalau saya kata movie yang korang suka tak best, ni pandangan peribadi je. Sekadar comment dari sorang yang daif seni saje. Ewah.

Ok, it's been a while before I got the chance to watch it. Inception to me is one of the most brilliant movie I'd ever watched. The storyline is perfect, fascinating. Tapi cerita ni kena la banyak fikir, need a lot of focus. Jangan la tengok lepas baru kuar dari jammed terok kat jalan raya or after kerja. But definately a movie to watch. Seriously, it's awesome.

Maya Karin dan Remy Ishak. They are the only advantages that this movie had. Even rasa lakonan pelakon-pelakon takde la gempak sangat, jalan cerita pun biasa-biasa je. Typical romantic comedy punya movie, which we can expect what to happen next. Klimaks dia pon meleret-leret. Penat tunggu ending. But movie ni sangat santai, shooting pun dekat kampung. Yang ni boleh la tengok lepas keluar dari jammed, or lepas keje. But I think they can do better on the cinematography. Logik cerita pun macam takde, tapi ni kot hidup artis kat Malaysia. Who knows?

Red Riding Hood
Cerita ni last minute choice, dekat kaunter tiket tibe-tibe pilih movie ni pasal movie yang asal nak tengok macam penuh. Cara pembikinan cerita ni almost macam Twilight. Bila tengok Director, rupanya sama. No wonder. Hero citer ni pon suke buat-buat macho macam Edward Cullen, padahal ko bukan nye vampire pun nak macho macam tu. :p Storyline dia tak best sangat, but the surprise effect menjadi, cuma kecewa dengan result dia. Lepas tengok, tak rasa macam nak tengok lagi. Huh.

Oooowh. Cartoon. But this time around there are mixture with real life punya suasana kat ala-ala Brazil camtu. I don't know what to comment about, cerita dia ok2 je. Takde special sangat, macam cartoon biasa. Senang cakap, tak menyentuh perasaan. Takde x-factor tu. Takde umph. Hehe.

Kongsi oh kongsi. You're so lucky for having Shahizey Sam. Based on the trailer, sangatlah hebat movie ni with all the stunts. But after watching the whole movie, disappointing. All that the movie can be proud of is the stunts, and Sam. That's all. Jalan cerita, zero. Watak-watak ni berlawan antara satu sama lain without any strong reasons, motive. Banyak persoalan timbul masa tengah movie dan tak terjawab sampai laa habis cerita ni. Tapi nasib baik kelakar. Kalau tak...~ (sendiri jawab) Lu langsi, Lu mati.

Tak sabar nak tengok Nur Kasih (hati bunga-bunga)


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